Sunday, August 8, 2021

my new domain.


and salam <3

hello peeps! i have a special announcement to make, but before that, oh how i miss editing this blog. after 8 years (?) if i'm not mistaken, i have finally returned back! ya allah, all the cringe, all the writings, all the memories and experiences, GOSH! it definitely has been a long time, and honestly? i kinda feel like my juice of 'inspiration' has been running out lately.

hence why i've decided,
"hey, why not we start writing again?"

so here i am :)

however, though... i will not be using this domain anymore. this needs to be preserved hahahahah, all the awkwardness, the strange confidence, the writings, i could not ever change that. TheCaptain was my persona back then and to hold that title now when i've already reached 18, ahh-- the goosebumps keep on coming. i don't think i'm worthy of such a title, hence i will redirect myself to hold a new persona, just 'nina', i guess... welp.

if you like my writings and wish to read more, click below!

i hope i can find my juice of 'inspiration' once more, and continue to write again. it has been a huge honour to be the admin of this blog. thank you, thecaptain, i'll forever cherish and miss you <3 you've been such a creative, strong, strong-opinionated girl. i hope you can continue to be comfortable in your own skin and proudly own your name like before.


till we meet again.

with love, nina.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Cerpen : Istiqamah. (EP 1)

*lambai tangan* 

Background picture : Dzulkeflee Khairuddin Photography

Nina-chan di sini! Cerpen? Ya, cerpen. Cerpen baharu? Ya, cerpen baharu. Dan ya, Nina pun sangat teruja untuk menulis cerpen baharu ini. Cerpen berasal daripada perkataan cerita pendek. 

Cerita + Pendek = CerPen

Ini adalah hasil tulisan Nina sendiri. Jadi, Nina merayu, janganlah jadikan cerita ini sebagai projek sekolah atau apa sahaja bahan pembelajaran di sekolah. Nina minat menulis, tapi bukan bermakna Nina handal sehinggakan cerita ini boleh dikongsikan di serata dunia. Tidak...

Nina ingin abadikan cerita ini di dalam blog Nina sendiri. Jadi, selamat membaca! Moga dapat mengambil ibrah disebalik cerita yang Nina tuliskan ini, Insya-Allah...



          Perkataan pertama yang terpancar keluar dari dua bibir insan yang sedang mencuba. Sedang mencuba sedaya-upaya. Mungkin belum lagi sepenuhnya. Tetapi sedang mencuba.

          Pagi Jumaat. Terasa kesejukan atmosfera yang dihiasi embun pagi yang berkelipan. Dikatakan hari Jumaat adalah hari yang penuh barakah, penghulu segala hari. Sementara insan ini, Hana Humairah binti Abdul Basir sedang berkalut untuk bersembahyang Subuh kerana waktu Syuruk semakin mendekati. Wudhu' diambil begitu sahaja lalu aku terus berlari mengambil telekung yang tergantung di tepi katil.

"Ya Allah, langit semakin membiru!"

          Tanpa mempedulikan situasi, aku terus mengangkat takbir memulakan solat Subuh yang tergendala semenjak tadi. Setelah 5 minit berlalu, aku memberi salam ke arah kanan seterusnya kiri dan meraup wajah. Istighfar disebut beberapa kali tidak lupa juga selawat dan salam junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Kedua tangan diangkat lalu lafaz doa dibunyikan.

"Ya Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Penyayang. Yang Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui. Aku..."

Mengapa aku... Mengapa aku berhenti? Mengapa aku terasa seperti jantungku ingin meletus dek permintaanku yang satu ini?

"Aku ingin ISTIQAMAH!"

Setitis air mata terasa sejuk mengalir di pipi. Permintaan itu seolah-olah berat untuk dikatakan, apa lagi dilakukan. Tubuh terasa lemah longlai, seperti sendi-sendi tidak lagi berfungsi. Seperti tulang-tulang tidak lagi bercantum. Ya Allah, aku ingin istiqamah. Tetapi...

"Tetapi susah, Ya Allah. Aku terasa berat ingin beristiqamah. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah. Aku ingin menjejakkan kaki ke SyurgaMu. Aku ingin keredhaanMu, Ya Allah..."

Sejurus itu, aku meraup wajah. Telekungku dibasahi sedikit dengan titisan air mataku. Aku merenung ke arah sejadahku. Sampai bila aku harus tergelumang di dalam lumuran maksiat ini? Sampai bila aku perlu meletakkan harapan palsu bahawa aku perlu beristiqamah, tetapi tidak melakukan apa-apa tentangnya? Sampai bila?

Aku meletakkan tanganku di atas dadaku. Sambil menutup mata, aku menghayati bunyi degupan jantungku. Betapa hebatnya Allah yang boleh mengawal berjuta degupan jantung di dunia ini. Aku terkenang kesilapan lalu. Betapa aku mencuba untuk mengekalkan niat aku untuk istiqamah, tetapi akhirnya aku ditewaskan dek pujukan syaitan dan nafsu yang bertalu-talu menyerang aku. Bagaimana?


Bagaimana aku boleh mengekalkan niat aku? Bagaimanakah hendak beristiqamah? Jujur, aku tidak tahan dengan kehidupan yang dilumuri dosa. Kehidupan yang palsu, kehidupan yang kosong seperti tiada tujuan. Aku buntu. Apa lagi yang harus aku lakukan?




Telefonku bergetar sambil menghasilkan cahaya. Aku melipat sejadah dan juga telekungku lalu meletakkannya di dalam almari dengan berhati-hati. Aku mencapai telefon bimbitku lalu duduk di atas katil.



"Meera, Meera. Selalu text aku satu-satu. Kenapa tak terus type dalam satu perenggan?" 

Aku tersenyum. Sahabatku, Nur Ameerah binti Muhd Ammar menyapa aku menerusi pesanan ringkas di dalam telefon bimbit. Dialah sahabat seperjuangan aku, yang sanggup menemani aku sewaktu di dalam kesusahan mahupun kesenangan. Dialah yang sanggup mendengar segala leteran dan bebelan yang keluar dari sepasang bibir ini. Dialah yang selalu berada di samping aku semenjak aku kecil.



"Kau tak pergi usrah ke?"

"Wei jawab la."

"Tak bangun Subuh ekkk?"

"Waalaikumussalam. Kalau ye pon, kenapa kau text aku satu2? Asik bunyi je fon aku daripada tadi. Ye, aku pergi dan aku dah bangun dah ni. Kau pergi tak?"

"Dah aku tanya ni, aku pergi la."

"Jom gi sama2 nak?"

"Ye, kul berapa?"

"Kul 8 pagi nanti aku roger."

"Okay, aku nak mandi. Assalamualaikum."

"Ok, waalaikumussalam. Patutlah dari jauh aku boleh bau busuk. XD"

"Ada-ada je kau ni." 
Aku meletakkan telefon bimbit di atas katil lalu mengambil tuala yang tergantung di atas penyangkut tuala. Lalu, aku memasuki tandas untuk membersihkan tubuhku. Setelah 15 minit berdansa di dalam bilik air, aku pun keluar dari bilik air dan menyikat rambutku.

"Hana... Mari turun makan."

Kedengaran suara lembut ibu memanggil namaku dari bawah tangga. Bibirku sudah menguntumkan senyuman yang sangat lebar dek perasaan teruja yang menyapa kerana perut yang teramat lapar meronta-ronta ingin diisi. Aku terus berlari turun ke bawah untuk melihat juadah yang disediakan.

"Nasi lemak? Mama ni baik sungguh la..."

Aku melihat ibuku mengukirkan senyuman manis. Aku membalas senyumannya kembali. Sebuah pinggan yang terletak di penjuru meja dicapai oleh tangan ini. Sejurus itu, aku mencedok nasi yang berada dalam sabuah mangkuk yang besar. Aroma nasi lemak tersebut menusuk hidung hingga perut yang kosong ini mengeluarkan bunyi yang berbagai ragamnya.

Tanpa melengahkan masa, aku mengangkat tangan untuk mendoakan keberkatan rezeki yang telah Allah kurniakan. Aku pun menggali nasi lemak yang berada di hadapanku. Sesuap nasi lemak tersebut adalah sebuah kebahagiaan yang sangat indah, tidak mungkin boleh diluahkan menggunakan perkataan. Mungkin aku akan menangis, tetapi nasi lemak ini terlalu sedap untuk ditangisi.

Setelah menikmati nasi lemak buatan mama, aku pun membasuh tangan dan mencapai secawan teh yang suam. Melihat jam yang terdetik pada pukul 7.50 pagi, aku terfikirkan Ameera. Sebenarnya, aku tidak mahu untuk pergi usrah. Ameera yang mendesak aku berpuluh-puluh kali membuatkan aku geram dan berkata...

"Ya, aku ikut. Boleh berhenti merengek tak? Macam baby lah!"

Ameera tersenyum sahaja apabila mendengar dengusan kemarahan yang telah aku hasilkan. Itulah Ameera. Orangnya tenang dan pemaaf. Beberapa kali aku membuat salah, beberapa kali itulah dia memaafkan. Ameera juga seorang yang sering membuat aku ketawa. Di mana sahaja dia berada, pasti ada lagak yang dilakukannya.



Telefon bimbit aku berbunyi lagi. Pasti Ameera, aku sudah mengagak. Ya, benarlah Ameera yang menghantar pesanan ringkas itu.


"Aku kat depan rumah kau."

Aku bergegas mengambil beg galas yang diisi dengan sebuah buku catatan dan kotak pensel. Tidak lupa juga sepasang telekung untuk bersembahyang di Surau Al-Falah. Aku mencium tangan ibuku sebelum keluar dan menyatakan bahawa aku akan menghubunginya apabila aku pulang nanti.

Surau Al-Falah berada berdekatan dengan rumahku. Kira-kira 15 minit berjalan kaki ke surau, aku boleh menjimatkan penggunaan minyak keretaku juga membakar kalori yang telah dipungut sewaktu menjamah nasi lemak tadi. Ameera kelihatan sopan memakai tudung labuh berwarna biru langit. 

Aku dan Ameera terpisah sewaktu sekolah menengah kerana aku belajar di Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Langkawi sedangkan dia meneruskan pembelajarannya di Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah (KISAS). Jadi, cara pemakaianku mungkin berbeza dengannya kerana dia dididik sebegitu di sekolah menengahnya. Sementara aku... Lupakanlah. Pernah terdetik di hatiku bahawa aku ingin menjadi sepertinya. Insya-Allah, suatu hari nanti.



"Aku nak jadi macam kau lah."

"Haha, lawak lah kau ni. Buat apa nak jadi macam aku?"

"Ye lah... Kau kan sopan, baik.. Aku nak jadi macam kau jugak."

"Ye lah, Hana. Kau kadang-kadang kena letak cermin kat serata rumah kau. Baru kau tahu kau ni memang dah baik dan sopan."

Ameera mengukirkan senyuman di bibir.

"Aku tertanya-tanya, macam mana kau boleh istiqamah pakai tudung labuh? Setakat ni, kalau aku pakai tudung labuh sikit je, semua orang dah bash. Adoi, aku nak jugak masuk Syurga!"

"Oh, itu? Nanti aku bagitahu kau lepas usrah."

Ameera mengenyitkan mata, lalu memandang kiri dan kanan untuk melintas jalan. Setelah Ameera berada di bahu jalan, aku juga melakukan perkara yang sama. Tiba-tiba...


Mataku terbeliak. Melihat lori besar yang melanggar beberapa kereta di hadapanku. Lalu aku terjatuh ke tanah. Mataku kabur, semakin gelap pandanganku.


"Astaghfirullah! Tolong! To-"

Aku tidak mendengar apa-apa. Yang aku dapat lihat adalah warna hitam yang semakin kelam.

Nina-chan perlu pergi. Jumpa lagi dan Assalamualaikum!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Get Inspired! : Quote #2

*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan is here! Finally, here! I got some day offs because of Chinese New Year! For all the Chinese viewers out there, Happy Chinese New Year to you! 

And before I forget, it's 2017! I'm so excited to write this post that almost every sentences that I typed had an exclamation mark at the end of it! So, how's 2017 so far? Good? Great? Awesome? Fantastic? Amazing! I hope your days are filled with positive vibes and most importantly, a smile as sprinkles on top. 

I'm just going to jump right into what I am actually going to write in this entry. I am sorry (not-sorry) for not posting for such a long time. I was busy with school stuff and, quite frankly.. I was enjoying my new year, with my old year resolutions, mainly because I have not reached my target yet. Insya-Allah, I will try my best this year, to learn as much as possible about this world and the next, so that I can excel in them!

Without further ado, let's just jump right into it shall we?



I know, sometimes we say...

"I'm just a mistake. I'm not suppose to be created in this world."

"I can't handle this anymore."

"I should be killing myself. I just want to die!"

Please, stop. Stop mumbling around. Stop blurting all this weird stuff because you are not thinking right. I know, you are stressed. Stressed because the problems in this world are just to hard to handle. I know. I might not understand what kind of suffering, pain or loss you are going through, but believe me. I know that you are hurt.

Just... Remember this. Allah does not want you to suffer. Allah does not want you to be burdened by all your problems. The reason Allah puts you through all this problems is because Allah knows. Allah knows that you can do this. Allah knows your limits. Allah knows it all.

When you feel like crying, remember that Allah is going to be there for you. When you broke your leg, remember that this leg is going to heal soon. Remember that all pain, scars, tears that you have made is temporary. Soon, you are going to be able to smile again.

Why, you ask? Because you are strong. You are one of a kind. You are unique. Look at where you are standing right now. All those problems made you stronger than ever. All those tears made you smile, and shine even brighter. All those scars prove that you can handle any obstacle that you are going to face soon. 

Sure, you can cry. But after that, you need to stand up. Start walking, because your journey is ahead of you. Start running, because you have to finish it soon. Start smiling, because your smile is one of the tickets to make you stronger. It's also Sunnah! Start believing, because Allah is going to be there, each step you are taking. Start changing, because there are lots of room to change.

Hear me out.

"With every hardship, there is relief". So, just calm down and look forward. If you look down, your crown is going to fall off, princess. And don't forget to take people with you too on this journey. Hey, everyone can be amongst the people of Jannah. What matters is your perspective...

Whether you want to stop going or keep looking forward.
It's your choice now.

Wipe your tears and start running!
Towards Allah, The One who understands you the most.

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Get Inspired! : Quote #1

*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan is here! Phewww... It feels nice indeed to sit in front of this computer and tickle my keyboard! I have been busy procrastinating (and preparing for next year and stuff) and I felt like writing a new entry. So, I thought and thought about what can I do in this section of my posts and I came with an idea!

I will take a picture from google images and I will definitely put some credits on to the rightful owners (I wear, click the pictures) and talk about it. My opinions and others. If you are a person who does not like to read thought from a girl who is studying, please...

Don't read these. 

Nah, just kidding. You can stay if you want to.*
*I promise you though, it will be BORING.

Oh, and also, I updated the blog's background music. It's made by this group called the "Snail's House". Cool, right? ...Without further ado,

Let's get to it, shall we?



Indeed, life is like a wheel. Sometimes you are up, sometimes you will move down. 

Some people are used to being up, maybe they forgot that the wheel is still spinning around and when they fall down, everything is a complete mess. They lose control of everything. ...Some might give up being on that wheel.

Other people are used to being down, they felt like it's useless to do anything because they knew that what they create will be teared apart by the rocks and other stuff on the road. So, they just give up being on that wheel when suddenly the wheel is trying to pull them back up.

See? Sometimes, we give up when we fail. The truth is, failing is the best experience you could ever had because failing will make you remember forever that sometimes there are 1000 techniques and you just found out the ones that won't work.

...And sometimes, people don't know that. They just gave up.

Believe me, I have failed. It didn't kill me, I swear. Instead, it taught me the things I have to be careful of. For example, never bring a full pencil box if you are going to somewhere that requires a ride on the plane. They might take your beloved scissors away and you will regret bringing that pencil box for your entire life.

Everyone learns from their mistakes. So, it's really okay to fail. Because failing is just a progress. A progress to achieve success. You're getting there. Hang on. Your wheel is taking you to the right place. Whether you are up or down, remember...

Sometimes you gotta have the sweets, but sometimes the sourness of the candy is what makes you LOVE the candy the most. 

Chill. Take a deep breath and... Smile.

Remember, it's going to be worth it in the end.

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Arabic Short Video Competition!

*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan here! I have been silent for these few days. Yes, I am SORRY. But, I have an excuse. A GOOD one. It's not because I am lacking blog's posts ideas, I have been filming.


I have been filming for a short video competition. The fact that I am the only junior in the group made me really excited! They gave me an opportunity to learn more about video making and stuff. I was really happy and thrilled to be a part of this project. I hope that Jalan Empat Secondary School will proud of us.

This is the video I was talking about. Enjoy!

Yes, I am an actor in that video. Yipeee~! After several days of panic attacks, not being able to eat and having to search for the best angle while filming and also having to film a scene lots of times, the video is finally complete.

I am relieved. 

Oh yeah, because this is a competition, I would like you to help us. Please vote for our school. Winning does not matter, but a few votes will be a PROOF. 

What am I trying to prove? Well, I would like to prove that Arabic language can be fun and interesting! Our perspective have changed lately, and I do not like that to be changed. Arabic language is seriously fun and exciting and I would be really happy to see our generation takes an interest in this language, Insya-Allah. Of course, we have Malay and English, but knowing an extra knowledge would be a huge benefit, right? Also, it is indeed the language of Al-Quran and Hadith. So... What stops you from learning this language?

Also, we seldom read Al-Quran because of our lifestyles that are full of work and work and work. And what else... Oh yeah, work. I am not saying that working is a terrible thing to do, but we must learn how to manage our time properly. (I am terrible at time management, and hey... I am trying to learn how.) We can be the best and we can learn these sorts of things. WE CAN. 

Change TOPIC. Right now, Can you watch the video up there? I want to know your thoughts and opinions about it. Click the SETTINGS button and SUBTITLES and choose the language that is suitable for you. Okay, I am going to be silent for a bit until you watch the video...










Share your thoughts about the video down below!

Okay, if you think it's interesting, (Insya-Allah you will *wink*) please click HERE to vote! It would be awesome if you support us! Click the green button - and you are done! Thank you so so so soo muchh! May Allah return your kindness to yourself in the future.


Another thing, I will be gone for three days starting tomorrow because I am participating in a camp. I will tell you a whole lot more about it when I come back this Sunday, Insya-Allah!

Thank you again for VOTING!
May Allah be with you always. 

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

Thursday, December 1, 2016


*waving my hands* 

Sometimes, I do not need to barge into someone's life, thinking that I can fix everything and in result ruining everything. But sometimes I have to barge into someone's life, in order to fix something wrong and turn it into something right.

Sometimes, I need to cry, let every bad things out of my mind, so that my mind can be clear again and I can fill it up with positive, good thinking. And sometimes, I need to stand up from crying too much and just continue the journey, because the stuff in my mind is just what I need in the future.

Sometimes, I need to stop what I am doing and just think for a second, "Is this what Allah wants me to do?". But sometimes, I need to just continue what I am doing because I know that this path can benefit me in this world and the next.

Sometimes, I need to sacrifice myself in order to make everyone else happy. And sometimes, I need to give myself a chance, and share the happiness with everyone surrounding me.


An important word in my day.
A word that determines the choices I have to make.

It is true that...

Sometimes, I make wrong choices.
Sometimes, I take wrong steps in order to achieve my goals.
Sometimes, I stumble and fall.
Sometimes, I regret the choices that I made.

But sometimes, I need to forget.
But sometimes, I need to move on.
And sometimes, it's hard to let everything go.

Sometimes, I just have to just forget the page that I wronged and open a new one.
Because sometimes, a new chapter is just what I need.

Just a note.

Nina-chan has to go. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

New UPDATE! #3

*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan here! Pheww... Finally, after (almost) a year, I am going to take a vacation! Alhamdulillah... I can be fully part-time blogger now. I was neglecting my blog for a while now. Why? Well, I was thinking, just thinking... And thinking...

ISTIQAMAH* : Doing something regularly everyday, consistently. 

And thinking... Thinking again... Finally, I have got it. That is why I am writing a post about a new update! There's lots of updates going on, and I am going to do my best to pursue my dream which is writing. And remind me, I will write something that will benefit me in the future, Insya-Allah. I will continue to write. Yoshhh~!

Okay, I have done a mistake, I admit. I am promising too much, rather than doing exactly what I promised. I am sorry about my behaviour, my attitude, my words. I now will try my best, to do exactly what I promised. Alright?

Thank you!

Thank you readers. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for visiting. I appreciate it very much. Without you reading, I would not be able to create this blog. Thank you!

Because you all have been so nice to me, I will send a present to you. (Virtually, though)

Back to the update, I want to experiment something. I want to create a BANNER for this blog. Insya-Allah, the banner will be up soon. 

Also, I want to manage the amount of entries I am going to post in a week. At the sidebar, there's a blog schedule, and I am going to COMPLETELY change that. I will be posting my entries thrice a week. These are the topics for each day of the week, and I will be posting in three days of the week. It will be random. I am EXCITED!! Hee~








That's it. Thank you for reading. 

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

my new domain.

  and salam <3 hello peeps! i have a special announcement to make, but before that, oh how i miss editing this blog. after 8 years (?) if...