*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan is here! Finally, here! I got some day offs because of Chinese New Year! For all the Chinese viewers out there, Happy Chinese New Year to you!

And before I forget, it's 2017! I'm so excited to write this post that almost every sentences that I typed had an exclamation mark at the end of it! So, how's 2017 so far? Good? Great? Awesome? Fantastic? Amazing! I hope your days are filled with positive vibes and most importantly, a smile as sprinkles on top.
I'm just going to jump right into what I am actually going to write in this entry. I am sorry (not-sorry) for not posting for such a long time. I was busy with school stuff and, quite frankly.. I was enjoying my new year, with my old year resolutions, mainly because I have not reached my target yet. Insya-Allah, I will try my best this year, to learn as much as possible about this world and the next, so that I can excel in them!
Without further ado, let's just jump right into it shall we?

I know, sometimes we say...
"I'm just a mistake. I'm not suppose to be created in this world."
"I can't handle this anymore."
"I should be killing myself. I just want to die!"
Please, stop. Stop mumbling around. Stop blurting all this weird stuff because you are not thinking right. I know, you are stressed. Stressed because the problems in this world are just to hard to handle. I know. I might not understand what kind of suffering, pain or loss you are going through, but believe me. I know that you are hurt.
Just... Remember this. Allah does not want you to suffer. Allah does not want you to be burdened by all your problems. The reason Allah puts you through all this problems is because Allah knows. Allah knows that you can do this. Allah knows your limits. Allah knows it all.
When you feel like crying, remember that Allah is going to be there for you. When you broke your leg, remember that this leg is going to heal soon. Remember that all pain, scars, tears that you have made is temporary. Soon, you are going to be able to smile again.
Why, you ask? Because you are strong. You are one of a kind. You are unique. Look at where you are standing right now. All those problems made you stronger than ever. All those tears made you smile, and shine even brighter. All those scars prove that you can handle any obstacle that you are going to face soon.
Sure, you can cry. But after that, you need to stand up. Start walking, because your journey is ahead of you. Start running, because you have to finish it soon. Start smiling, because your smile is one of the tickets to make you stronger. It's also Sunnah! Start believing, because Allah is going to be there, each step you are taking. Start changing, because there are lots of room to change.
Hear me out.
"With every hardship, there is relief". So, just calm down and look forward. If you look down, your crown is going to fall off, princess. And don't forget to take people with you too on this journey. Hey, everyone can be amongst the people of Jannah. What matters is your perspective...
Whether you want to stop going or keep looking forward.
It's your choice now.

Wipe your tears and start running!
Towards Allah, The One who understands you the most.

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!

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