*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan is here! Phewww... It feels nice indeed to sit in front of this computer and tickle my keyboard! I have been busy procrastinating (and preparing for next year and stuff) and I felt like writing a new entry. So, I thought and thought about what can I do in this section of my posts and I came with an idea!
I will take a picture from google images and I will definitely put some credits on to the rightful owners (I wear, click the pictures) and talk about it. My opinions and others. If you are a person who does not like to read thought from a girl who is studying, please...
Don't read these. 

Nah, just kidding. You can stay if you want to.*
*I promise you though, it will be BORING.
Oh, and also, I updated the blog's background music. It's made by this group called the "Snail's House". Cool, right? ...Without further ado,
Let's get to it, shall we?

Indeed, life is like a wheel. Sometimes you are up, sometimes you will move down.
Some people are used to being up, maybe they forgot that the wheel is still spinning around and when they fall down, everything is a complete mess. They lose control of everything. ...Some might give up being on that wheel.
Other people are used to being down, they felt like it's useless to do anything because they knew that what they create will be teared apart by the rocks and other stuff on the road. So, they just give up being on that wheel when suddenly the wheel is trying to pull them back up.
See? Sometimes, we give up when we fail. The truth is, failing is the best experience you could ever had because failing will make you remember forever that sometimes there are 1000 techniques and you just found out the ones that won't work.
...And sometimes, people don't know that. They just gave up.
Believe me, I have failed. It didn't kill me, I swear. Instead, it taught me the things I have to be careful of. For example, never bring a full pencil box if you are going to somewhere that requires a ride on the plane. They might take your beloved scissors away and you will regret bringing that pencil box for your entire life.
Everyone learns from their mistakes. So, it's really okay to fail. Because failing is just a progress. A progress to achieve success. You're getting there. Hang on. Your wheel is taking you to the right place. Whether you are up or down, remember...
Sometimes you gotta have the sweets, but sometimes the sourness of the candy is what makes you LOVE the candy the most.

Chill. Take a deep breath and... Smile.
Remember, it's going to be worth it in the end.

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!