*waving my hands* 

Nina-chan here! Pheww... Finally, after (almost) a year, I am going to take a vacation! Alhamdulillah... I can be fully part-time blogger now. I was neglecting my blog for a while now. Why? Well, I was thinking, just thinking... And thinking...
ISTIQAMAH* : Doing something regularly everyday, consistently.
And thinking... Thinking again... Finally, I have got it. That is why I am writing a post about a new update! There's lots of updates going on, and I am going to do my best to pursue my dream which is writing. And remind me, I will write something that will benefit me in the future, Insya-Allah. I will continue to write. Yoshhh~!
Okay, I have done a mistake, I admit. I am promising too much, rather than doing exactly what I promised. I am sorry about my behaviour, my attitude, my words. I now will try my best, to do exactly what I promised. Alright?
Thank you!
Thank you readers. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for visiting. I appreciate it very much. Without you reading, I would not be able to create this blog. Thank you!
Because you all have been so nice to me, I will send a present to you. (Virtually, though)
Back to the update, I want to experiment something. I want to create a BANNER for this blog. Insya-Allah, the banner will be up soon.
Also, I want to manage the amount of entries I am going to post in a week. At the sidebar, there's a blog schedule, and I am going to COMPLETELY change that. I will be posting my entries thrice a week. These are the topics for each day of the week, and I will be posting in three days of the week. It will be random. I am EXCITED!! Hee~


That's it. Thank you for reading. 

Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!