*waving my hands*

Nina-chan here! Alhamdulillah, I get to live for another day. Today, I wanted to give you all some facts about
SUPERMOON, which is actually Insya-Allah happening tonight! Yesterday, the moon was shining brightly, with clouds being its frame. It is special, really. I know that tonight's moon is going to be really beautiful! I feel like its time to get to know some actual facts about this supermoon that will be happening soon.
Without wasting our time, let's get into the subject!

The Moon's
distance varies each month between approximately 357,000 kilometres and 406,000 kilometers due to its elliptical orbit to earth. (Distances given are centre-to-centre) WOA.

A full moon at perigee is visually
larger up to 14% in diameter and
shines 30% more light than one at its farthest point, or

The association of the Moon with both oceanic and crustal tides has led to claims that supermoon phenomenon may be associated with increased risk of events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but the evidence of such a link is widely held to be
Allah is going to protect you. No matter what.

The opposite phenomenon, an
apogee-syzgzy, has been called a
micromoon, though this term is not as widespread as supermoon.
2015, BRUV.

Occasionally, a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. The most recent occurrence of this was on September 27-28 of 2015, while the next time will be
2033. (Just pray that we will get that chance to see another one, Insya-Allah.


The next Supermoon Occurrence will be in November the 14th, 2016.

The full moon cycle is the period between alignments of the lunar perigee with the sun and earth, which is about 13.9443 synodic months. Thus approximately
every 14th full month will be a supermoon. (DOPE!)

However, halfway through the cycle the full moon will be close to apogee, and the new moons immediately before and after can be supermoons. Thus there may be as many as
three supermoons per full moon cycle. SubhanAllah!

Since 13.9443 differs from 14 by very close to 1/18, the supermoons themselves will vary with a period of about
18 full moon cycles (about 251 synodic months or 20.3 years)

For about a decade, the largest supermoons will be full, and for the next decade the largest supermoons will be
I know, it's very hard to understand. As you see, these are about Science. (Obviously, I am bad at Science) But, what I do know is, Allah wants to teach us that opportunity only comes ones. So, grab it while you can, and do your best in everything you try. Because, hey. We are going to meet Him anyways. Why not do something that you won't regularly do?
What do you think about Supermoon?
Let me know in the comment section below!
Nina-chan has to go now. See you soon and Assalamualaikum!
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